- მნიშვნელობა
- ღირსად ჩათვალა, ღირსად მიიჩნია, აღირსა; ინება;
◆ Maybe the President does not deign to read op-ed pages, but his speechwriters surely do. ( William Safire, "The Wrong Way.", New York Times, June 14, 1999, ) .
◆ Not until I pour vodka on his shirt does he deign to acknowledge my existence. ( Jay McInerney, Model Behavior ) - თავის გაყადრება, თავი გაუყადრა, იკადრა
◆ He would not deign to discuss the matter with us.
◆ He didn't even deign to give us a nod of the head; he thought us that far beneath him.
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