შინაარსზე გადასვლა

bump into

ვიქსიკონი გვერდიდან

bump into

  1. (ფრაზა) (სასაუბრო) შეეჯახა, შეეჩეხა
◆ We bumped into each other at the library yesterday
◆ While I was downtown, I bumped into George.
◆ I often bump into him at the supermarket.
◆ I bumped into an old friend yesterday.
  1. დაეჯახა
◆ He bumped into the wall.
◆ It's easy to bump into furniture in the dark.
bump + into
run into
bump againstbang into

მოძიებულია „https://ka.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=bump_into&oldid=81759“-დან